Saturday, May 11, 2013

Download Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart

Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart

Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart dowload

[ Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart This extension greatly improves the admin autocomplete function. Works as a select drop down list, but keeps the filter autocomplete function, greatly improved. How it works: - when you click on empty field with autocomplete, to select something, all results of that field will be displayed in drop down list, with no filter. - You can filter the]

Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart

This extension greatly improves the admin autocomplete function.

Works as a select drop down list, but keeps the filter autocomplete function, greatly improved.

How it works: - when you click on empty field with autocomplete, to select something, all results of that field will be displayed in drop down list, with no filter.

- You can filter the results of a Product with autocomplete, typing the name or model.

Catalog -> Categories -> Insert or Edit -> Data tab -> Select: Parent Catalog -> Categories -> Insert or Edit -> Data tab -> Select: Filters

Catalog -> Products list -> Model Catalog -> Products list -> Product Name

Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Related Products Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Downloads Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Manufacturer Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Categories Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Filters Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Attribute Catalog -> Products -> Insert or Edit -> Links tab -> Select: Option

Catalog -> Review -> Insert or Edit -> Select: Product

Sales -> Returns -> Insert or Edit -> Products tab -> Select: Product Sales -> Order -> Insert or Edit -> Products tab -> Select: Product Sales -> Coupon -> Insert or Edit -> Select: Products Sales -> Mail -> Select: Products

Extension -> Module -> Feature -> Select: Products

Admin demo | login: demo | pass: demo

Please use the comment section for general questions, feedbacks etc… only. For error related and for more complex problems, please use

Admin better autocomplete for OpenCart dowload

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