Thursday, January 16, 2014

Download URLExtensions PLUS Website Converter for PDF/PNG

URLExtensions PLUS Website Converter for PDF/PNG

URLExtensions PLUS Website Converter for PDF/PNG dowload

[ URLExtensions Plus for PHP - Extended (plus) version of the PDF Converter plugin with added features (see basic version here: - Coded in PHP for using as is, or added to an existing project - Default behavior as an HTTP POST - Shipped with a standalone website solution for generating both PDF documents and PNG]

URLExtensions Plus for PHP

- Extended (plus) version of the PDF Converter plugin with added features (see basic version here:

- Coded in PHP for using as is, or added to an existing project

- Default behavior as an HTTP POST

- Shipped with a standalone website solution for generating both PDF documents and PNG screen shots of a specified URL or page

- Uses local Windows, Linux and Mac binaries shipped with the application (no system dependencies required)

- Can be deployed into a IIS or an Apache Web Server, both are supported

- Supports customization of parameters (page width, margins, etc.)

- Detailed instructions and troubleshooting provided

- Uses latest version of wkhtmltopdf

- If your application is hosted, make sure your web host allows running an executable process within the web application. For more information please comment or send me a message before you buy.

The PHP script below will test if the exec() function is callable but please understand that this alone does NOT fully confirm that you are able to run the shipped executables in your system. Further host configurations may be needed.

<?php echo exec("ls"); ?>

or for windows

<?php echo exec("dir"); ?>

A good hosting company with remarkable support and allows running executables is Hetzner,

Current Version: v2.2

Version History


- fixed folder paths and log location


- fixes to filenames in extended version


- added bulk generation (generate multiple websites at the same time)

- added send by email feature (uses PHPMailer, tested with Gmail)

- added logging capabilities (website url, pdf/image settings and user IP address)


- mac os x support (should work at least on snow leopard and mountain lion)


- removed xvfb dependency


- new documentation (previous documentation very limited)

- fixed Linux/PDF generation issue


- Converts PDF and PNG on Windows/Linux using local binaries

Minimum System Requirements

Note: don’t forget to assign write permissions for the output folder (generated-X)




- PHP5


- Apache

- PHP5

Mac OS

- Apache

- PHP5

Actual installation procedure:

Lets say you have a fresh install of an operating system. Here are the minimum requirements you must meet in order to start using this website.



1) install IIS

2) install PHP 5

3) install FastCGI for IIS (windows component from control panel, programs area)

4) download the deliverable and extract the zip which contains the phpsite folder

5) add read/write permissions to the generated-win folder for everyone

6) add a new website to iis on the location of phpsite

7) add index.php as default document

8 ) add *.php script module entry using FastCGI and php-win.exe to render php files



1) get apache (sudo apt-get install apache2)

2) get PHP5 (sudo apt-get install php5)

3) extract deliverable zip file that contains the phpsite folder

4) move phpsite over to /var/www (sudo mv phpsite /var/www)

5) add execute permissions to bin-lin AND write permissions for generated-lin for everyone (Owner, Group and Others, and allow execution) (sudo chmod 777 generated-lin)

6) try

Mac OS X Snow Leopard / Mountain Lion

1) install apache (apachectl start)

2) setup php (uncomment LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf)

3) restart apache (apachectl restart)

- extract phpsite to /Library/WebServer/Documents

4) add permissions to output folder (chmod 777 generated-mac)

5) go to the bin-mac folder, open the wkhtmltopdf file and copy the app inside it over to the bin-mac folder

6) try http://localhost/phpsite

Possible problematic areas

- Authentication-based sites

- Iframe’d areas

- Flash sites

Additional notes

- Please report any issues or improvement areas

- Please rate if you purchase

- Product tested on Windows7/IIS7, Ubuntu 12/Apache2 and MacOS X Mountain Lion/Apache2

URLExtensions PLUS Website Converter for PDF/PNG dowload

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