Saturday, November 16, 2013

User Downloads

User Downloads

User Downloads dowload

[ Usage Upload the plugin Enable the plugin. In the WordPress menu you now will see “User Downloads” added. If you go to “User Downloads” => “Settings” you can set your encryption keys. Than you can create User Downloads wich goes as follows: Create a User Download. Enter a title Enter]


  • Upload the plugin
  • Enable the plugin.
  • In the WordPress menu you now will see “User Downloads” added. If you go to “User Downloads” => “Settings” you can set your encryption keys.
  • Than you can create User Downloads wich goes as follows:
    • Create a User Download.
    • Enter a title
    • Enter some content
    • Select to wich user the to be uploaded files should be restricted
    • Upload files for this specific user
    • Publish the User Download
  • I created a function to get all files that are belongs to the logged in user. The functions is get_user_specific_downloads_as_array. With this you can do anything you want to. Let me give you an example of how to list all files of one user per User Download (per post):
  •        $userFiles = get_user_specific_downloads_as_array();       foreach($userFiles as $userdownload)       {           echo '<h2>'.$userdownload['title'].'</h2>';           echo $userdownload['content'];           echo '<ul>';           foreach($userdownload['files'] as $file)           {               echo '<li>';                $url = explode('/',$file['user_download_file']['url']);               $encryptedurl = user_specific_downloads_encrypt_decrypt('encrypt',$url[8]);               $encryptedurl = rawurlencode($encryptedurl);                echo .= '<a href="'.plugins_url().'/user-downloads/download.php?file='.$encryptedurl.'">'.$file['user_download_file']['title'].'</a><br />';               echo .= '<em>'.$file['file']['description'].'</em>';                echo '</li>';           }           echo '</ul>';        }
  • If you have any questions (technical or not) I will be able to help you.

User Downloads dowload

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