Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Download Smart Speech Bot

Smart Speech Bot

Smart Speech Bot dowload

[ Smart Speech Bot allows the user to interact with the computer using only the voice. It builds upon the Windows Speech Recognition libraries. The program listens for a single word: “Computer.” When the users calls the computer, it will answer with “Yes?”. After the computer answers, the user is free to try any question and the Speechbot will try to find the answer]

Smart Speech Bot allows the user to interact with the computer using only the voice.

It builds upon the Windows Speech Recognition libraries.

The program listens for a single word: “Computer.” When the users calls the computer, it will answer with “Yes?”.
After the computer answers, the user is free to try any question and the Speechbot will try to find the answer on the Internet.

The voice recognition relies on Windows Speech Recognition, so this should be trained independently. The accuracy of the recognition depends solely on the configuration of the Windows Speech Recognition.

Some examples of commands:

  1. Computer! -> Yes? -> Who is Albert Einstein?
  2. Computer! -> Yes? -> Locate London.
  3. Computer! -> Yes? -> What is the biggest country?
  4. Computer! -> Yes? -> What is the square root of pi?
  5. Computer! -> Yes? -> What’s a cookie?
  6. Computer! -> Yes? -> Define “word”.
  7. Computer! -> Yes? -> Google market share.
  8. Computer! -> Yes? -> 1000 + 123456.
  9. Computer! -> Yes? -> Wikipedia
  10. Computer! -> Yes? -> Notable events in 1960.

Smart Speech Bot dowload

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