Saturday, June 15, 2013

Download Edit Database Field PRO (Ajax + PHP)

Edit Database Field PRO (Ajax + PHP)

Edit Database Field PRO (Ajax + PHP) dowload

[ Description Edit Database Field PRO is a web script which help you to display the field you want from database and you can edit it with Ajax ( without reloading page ).The Field can be edit in different types : text , textarea, select , radio button, date , slider, colorpicker, switch on/off button, google map location box, video player autogenerate from youtube links; (soon: check button, time]


Edit Database Field PRO is a web script which help you to display the field you want from database and you can edit it with Ajax ( without reloading page ).The Field can be edit in different types : text , textarea, select , radio button, date , slider, colorpicker, switch on/off button, google map location box, video player autogenerate from youtube links; (soon: check button, time and upload).Also you can add to the editable field filters ( is email , is url and others ).


  • You can search field in MySQL databse and:
    • display it on different ways:
      • simple text
      • color box
      • on/off status button
      • google map box – autogenerated from location that you want
      • video player – autogenerated from video link ( )
    • Real-time edit ( without reloading page ) it on different ways:
      • in text input box
      • in textarea box
      • in dropdown select box
      • with radio buttons
      • with checkbox
      • select date box
      • in slider
      • in colorpicker box
      • with switch on/off button
      • in google map box – autogenerated from location that you want
  • with a lot of customizable options:
    • MySQL database configuration
    • error message configuration in case: if field does not exist
    • possibility to add Class for displayed field
    • save button text configuration
    • for slider you can customize also: minimum, maximum and step value
    • for google map box you can customize also: width, height and zoom
    • you can customize tooltip text message and position
    • you can add validation filters: required, email, url, phone, alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, date
    • you can customize errors messages for filters


If you did not find the answer you were looking for in the given documentation, please Contact us

If you like this script, feel free to rate it five stars \\  at your CodeCanyon account in Downloads section. If you encounter any problems, before rating the item, contact us so we can help you fix them.

Edit Database Field PRO (Ajax + PHP) dowload

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